German (Online)


Germany. Leave all preconceptions at the door. Europe’s most populous country; one filled with a multitude of regional identities, bustling cities, soul-stirring scenery, and invigorating culture. A place where you’re able to find the sleek world of precision engineering and a high-tech economy juxtaposed with half-timber towns, romantic charm and Gemütlichkeit (coziness). By joining our German lessons you’ll not only get an insight into this distinct nation, you’ll be able to communicate with a people that have got a phrase for everything, from backpfeifengesicht ("a face badly in need of a fist”) to verschlimmbessern ("to make something worse while trying to improve it"), and schnapsidee ("a brilliant plan one hatches while drunk”).

Hatchling will give you an intro into the German language. You will learn how to say the letters ä, ö, ü like a pro, as well as building up some basic vocab and German cultural knowledge.

Chick will introduce you to the dreaded German grammar but don't worry it is not as scary as it may seem at first! As well as grammar, the chick course will help you build up knowledge about how to construct sentences.

In Post Chick you will start learning about new tenses as well as beginning to have short conversations auf Deutsch. You will eindeutsch yourself and will be able to use the right form of the (der die das des dem and den) without having a panic attack.

In Fledgling you will be building up more advanced sentences and will have conversations in German on a range of topics. You will be able to say Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Frizt without even sweating.

Our Spring Semester Online German classes begin on the following dates (dependent on level selected):

  • Monday 31st March 2025

  • Tuesday 1st April 2025

Each lesson lasts for 1.5 Hours

Each Course lasts for 10 weeks from the start date. Please note that there will be no classes on Easter Weekend (18th-21st April), and those classes will be added at the end of the semester.

Our online classes are held over zoom, and the group has a maximum of 10 students.

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Germany. Leave all preconceptions at the door. Europe’s most populous country; one filled with a multitude of regional identities, bustling cities, soul-stirring scenery, and invigorating culture. A place where you’re able to find the sleek world of precision engineering and a high-tech economy juxtaposed with half-timber towns, romantic charm and Gemütlichkeit (coziness). By joining our German lessons you’ll not only get an insight into this distinct nation, you’ll be able to communicate with a people that have got a phrase for everything, from backpfeifengesicht ("a face badly in need of a fist”) to verschlimmbessern ("to make something worse while trying to improve it"), and schnapsidee ("a brilliant plan one hatches while drunk”).

Hatchling will give you an intro into the German language. You will learn how to say the letters ä, ö, ü like a pro, as well as building up some basic vocab and German cultural knowledge.

Chick will introduce you to the dreaded German grammar but don't worry it is not as scary as it may seem at first! As well as grammar, the chick course will help you build up knowledge about how to construct sentences.

In Post Chick you will start learning about new tenses as well as beginning to have short conversations auf Deutsch. You will eindeutsch yourself and will be able to use the right form of the (der die das des dem and den) without having a panic attack.

In Fledgling you will be building up more advanced sentences and will have conversations in German on a range of topics. You will be able to say Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Frizt without even sweating.

Our Spring Semester Online German classes begin on the following dates (dependent on level selected):

  • Monday 31st March 2025

  • Tuesday 1st April 2025

Each lesson lasts for 1.5 Hours

Each Course lasts for 10 weeks from the start date. Please note that there will be no classes on Easter Weekend (18th-21st April), and those classes will be added at the end of the semester.

Our online classes are held over zoom, and the group has a maximum of 10 students.

Germany. Leave all preconceptions at the door. Europe’s most populous country; one filled with a multitude of regional identities, bustling cities, soul-stirring scenery, and invigorating culture. A place where you’re able to find the sleek world of precision engineering and a high-tech economy juxtaposed with half-timber towns, romantic charm and Gemütlichkeit (coziness). By joining our German lessons you’ll not only get an insight into this distinct nation, you’ll be able to communicate with a people that have got a phrase for everything, from backpfeifengesicht ("a face badly in need of a fist”) to verschlimmbessern ("to make something worse while trying to improve it"), and schnapsidee ("a brilliant plan one hatches while drunk”).

Hatchling will give you an intro into the German language. You will learn how to say the letters ä, ö, ü like a pro, as well as building up some basic vocab and German cultural knowledge.

Chick will introduce you to the dreaded German grammar but don't worry it is not as scary as it may seem at first! As well as grammar, the chick course will help you build up knowledge about how to construct sentences.

In Post Chick you will start learning about new tenses as well as beginning to have short conversations auf Deutsch. You will eindeutsch yourself and will be able to use the right form of the (der die das des dem and den) without having a panic attack.

In Fledgling you will be building up more advanced sentences and will have conversations in German on a range of topics. You will be able to say Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Frizt without even sweating.

Our Spring Semester Online German classes begin on the following dates (dependent on level selected):

  • Monday 31st March 2025

  • Tuesday 1st April 2025

Each lesson lasts for 1.5 Hours

Each Course lasts for 10 weeks from the start date. Please note that there will be no classes on Easter Weekend (18th-21st April), and those classes will be added at the end of the semester.

Our online classes are held over zoom, and the group has a maximum of 10 students.